Photonics and Microwaves Competitiveness Cluster in Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Background Accueil

The waves of innovation

The cluster's core technologies and applied markets

Microwaves- Electronics
Digital Solutions & the Factory of the Future
Health (Medical Devices & Autonomy)
Energy-Smart Buildings

Innovation pass

Benefit from comprehensive support in the process of managing innovation (setting up projects, approval, promotion of your innovation, etc.) and receive help from qualified individuals.

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Business pass

Develop your network, share your experience, and make a name for yourself among a network of qualified professionals in the field of Photonics-Lasers and Microwaves-Electronics.

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International pass

Develop your export activity (particularly on the Chinese, USA and European markets) and join us at the sector’s main trade fairs.

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Funding pass

Gain access to public and private funding through our “funding pathway”, and benefit from personalized support in the financial structuring of your organization.

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Skills pass

Make the most of our continuing education center, PYLA, to train your teams and anticipate the technological challenges of the future.

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Our services

As a member of the ALPHA-RLH competitiveness cluster, you have access to a full, structured range of services providing support in developing your business, regardless of the size of your organization.

Find out more about our range of services by clicking on the “pass” that interests you the most


Du 24 septembre 2024
au 26 septembre 2024
European Microwave Week 2024 (EuMW) - Paris
Du 26 septembre 2024
au 02 octobre 2024
Learning Expedition au Japon par Go International ALPHA-RLH - Tokyo
Le 09 octobre 2024
Les Challenges de l'IoT - Bordeaux
Le 10 octobre 2024
Webinaire : 100 minutes de cybersécurité appliquée
Le 16 octobre 2024
BIPSA 2024 : Rencontre des acteurs de l'imagerie médicale en Nouvelle-Aquitaine - Poitiers
Du 24 octobre 2024
au 25 octobre 2024
INPHO Venture Summit - Bordeaux

NewsSell all news at the cluster and from our members.

Social networksFollow us :

258 Members
1063 Projects approved
503 projects funded

With the support of

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